

Sustainable and circular public toilet

Plant-based unisex urinal treating wastewater in an integrated vertical constructed wetland ecosystem. Treated wastewater is reused for flushing. Nutrients in urine are transformed into fertilizer.LooPi scheme graphic

Intelligent alternative for cities, companies, technology centers, uni & sport campuses, shopping malls, zoos etc. wherever people are in need for a toilet!

LooPiAdvantages of LooPi:

    • Reduces water consumption by up to 90%
    • Captures nutrients from urine in biochar and turns them into agricultural fertilizer
    • Is gender neutral and child-friendly
    • Captures CO2 from atmosphere
    • Cools surrounding air in urban spaces
    • Increases biodiversity

Technical data:

    • Size: 4,20 m l x 3,05 m h x 2,40 m w
    • Weight: 13,5 t distributed on 8 support points
    • Capacity: treatment of 30 L urine / 24 hr
    • Energy consumption: 5 kWh / d
    • > 200 plants from over 30 species


Requirements for locations:

    • Connection to rainwater drainage nearby
    • Connection to energy grid nearby
    • Connection to fresh water source nearby (optional)

We are looking for

  • Early Adopters
  • Distribution partners
  • Investors for further development

LooPi is a functional green infrastructure supporting sustainability and circular economy.

LooPi at Nordwestbahnhof

Copyright René Brunhölzl

Addressing the following SDGs:

SDGs LooPi

Closing the water cycle and the nutrient cycle.
LooPi is designed to be dismantled and reused/recycled.


Green Concept Award Winner 2021 innovate4nature

Press (in german):

Futurezone “Pflanzen-Klo spart Wasser und reinigt sich selbst”
Die Presse “Hinter’s Gebüsch hockerln? Das geht jetzt ökologisch sinnvoll!”
Die Presse “Weltpremiere in Wien: Ein Urinal als Teil einer Umweltmission”
Kurier “Das fliegende Pflanzen-Urinal im Esterházypark”
Mein Bezirk “Eine Toilette sorgt für besseres Klima”
brutkasten “Award für mit 280.000 Euro gefördertes Unisex-Pflanzen-Urinal”
Wien “Nachhaltiges Klo soll Umgebung kühlen”
DerStandard “Kreislaufwirtschaft auf dem stillen Örtchen”