Circular Economy

Circular economy is not new. It reflects the most natural system to use or design each resource in such a way that eternal use is inherently incorporated. The modern economic system has degenerated from these basic principles, whereby even at the highest level this malfunction is recognized and counteracted with numerous measures. First and foremost, all the efforts in the field of circular economy, driven by the European Commission, should be mentioned here. Strategies for sustainable development and the sustainable use of resources also play an important role. As of late 2019, the European Green Deal has included many other measures, all of which aim to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050.
Since alchemia-nova has been carrying out exclusively circular economy projects since 2006 and most of them at European level, they have not only become pioneers in Austria but also in Europe and are lately more active at international level in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Four basic principles form the basis of a circular economy:

  • Waste = food
  • Apply diversity to build resilience
  • Use renewable sources
  • Systems thinking

For this basis, following strategies play an important role: